Sunday, January 13, 2013

Making a Zoku Popsicle Step By Step Instructions

How to make a layered Zoku Pop

Lets learn how to make this pop: 
The top layer is lemonade, middle layer is orange juice and the bottom layer is blueberry pomegranate juice.


Bottom layer (this will be poured on the pop maker first): I used POM Wonderful Blueberry Pomegranate Juice pour as much as you like. Make sure there's room for the other ingredients.

WAIT UNTIL THE BOTTOM LAYER IS COMPLETELY FROZEN BEFORE ADDING THE MIDDLE LAYER. Just look inside the slot and see it ice is completely formed.

Middle Layer: You may be able to see red things in the middle layer. The red things are pomegranate arils. PUT THE ARILS BEFORE OJ. After putting in the arils, wait 1-2 mins for the arils to freeze, then pour the OJ in as much as you like. I used store bought lemonade for convenience, but you can use fresh squeezed juice. MAKE SURE THERE IS ENOUGH SPACE FOR THE LEMONADE.

WAIT UNTIL THE MIDDLE LAYER IS COMPLETELY FROZEN BEFORE ADDING THE TOP LAYER.  Just look inside the slot and see it ice is completely formed.

Top Layer: I used country time powder lemonade for convenience but you can used freshly squeezed lemonade instead. Pour the lemonade in. MAKE SURE IT IS BELOW THE FILL LINE!!! *DO NOT PASS THE FILL LINE*

Wait until the pop is completely frozen and use the super tool to remove the pop. 

How to use the super tool: put the tool on top of the pop sticks and continuously twist it until the popsicle pops open. Pull the pop up a little bit and put it back in the zoku. Remove the super tool. 


If you want to have a popsicle with angles like the one shown above, you need to tilt the zoku slightly on the shorter sides (not the side with the zoku logo) BE CAREFUL OF SPILLING 

First Time Using Zoku!!!

When I first saw the zoku pop maker, it meant nothing special to me, just an ordinary Popsicle maker.   A few months later I decided to search zoku on google to see what all the fuss about. I took a look at zoku's site and it changed my perspective of the machine. I really wanted it because you can make cool Popsicles with layers in a short amount of time. I decided to buy it a few days later. Before you make Popsicles, you need to pre-freeze the pop maker. I couldn't wait. The next day, I made some Popsicles and they turned out great!
Here are some pictures:
Lemonade, OJ, and pomegranate blueberry juice

Nutella milk mix (my own recipe)

Zoku pop maker

 Makes a popsicle in 7 minutes!
Makes up to 9 at a time
Comes with 6 sticks
decorate with other assesories  
compact and doesn't take much space in your freezer
mixtures need sugar or the pop will get stuck